About Me
“As a massage therapist, I feel that the benefits of sports massage extend beyond solely improving a client’s musculoskeletal aches and pains. An enjoyable Sports Massage can have a tremendous effect on your mental wellbeing. Sports massage can improve your stress levels, sleep quality, and can really add to your quality of life. And I believe that experience should be accessible to everyone.”
My experiences shape the sports massage and remedial-based practices I carry out today and here’s where it all started.
My university degrees are in Human Biology, Sociology & Psychology, and Biomedical Science. Prior to studying massage therapy, I worked in the NHS as a Medical Laboratory Assistant and Biomedical Scientist.
Those are the foundations from which I’ve based my sports massage therapist training. In time, I left the clinical laboratories behind and decided to pursue massage therapy with the Western School in Glasgow and the Scottish Massage Schools in Edinburgh.
Working in a Clinic Environment
Being presented with a multitude of issues from clients of varying backgrounds is a really enjoyable part of my working day. This keeps me on my toes and reinforces the importance of treating every client as an individual; each with their own experiences, needs, and preferences.
Above all, I really love the work-in-progress conversations with clients who start with a small physical goal and in time achieve feats that seemed so unlikely on the first visit. Some examples of those goals include:
Charity walks
10ks, half marathons, marathons, and ultra-marathons
Weightlifting PBs
Taking up new sports
Being able to better manage stressful situations
The sports massage sessions I deliver evolve with the clients’ goals and I’m always thrilled to hear of new progress being made.
As a professional massage therapist, It’s always been my goal to continually challenge my own biases. This means I have to work hard to remove my professional blinkers and provide each of my clients with a great service that adds real value to their physical and mental wellbeing.
In recent times, I’ve studied evidence-based Nutrition with MacNutrition to explore the implications of food on performance and musculoskeletal health. And this has lead me on to explore nutrition and also the role that movement quality plays in a client’s physical health.
I followed up that course with a Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) certificate and explored the biomechanics of yoga and movement with Yoga Detour’s Detour Method. All fascinating ‘down the rabbit hole’ topics!
Non-massage interests
Outside of the clinic, I’m forever challenging myself and finding new skills to learn. At the time of writing this biography, I’m heavily practicing and always improving on my skills as a hand balancer. And additionally I train competitively in Kettlebell sport and have competed in both the Scottish and British Championships.
I’m currently learning Scottish Gaelic through Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and I’ve really gotten into knitting and sewing thanks to YouTube! Variety keeps things interesting and hobbies are always a fun talking point with clients old and new.
Glasgow Treatment Rooms
The Glasgow Treatment Rooms is located up on the second floor of The Connal Building: a beautiful old tenement shipping building in the city centre. Despite being centrally located in the vibrant hustle and bustle of the city centre, it’s a peaceful and quiet location. You will feel a million miles away from the streets outside.
The Glasgow Treatment Rooms is right next door to Queen Street Station: just a few minutes from Buchanan Subway and less than ten minutes’ walk from Central Station. If you want to drive, you can easily park in Buchanan Galleries car park; you’ll be just 10 minutes walk from the clinic front door.
The Glasgow Treatment Rooms
The Connal Building
34 West George Street
Second Floor
G2 1DA